Milwaukee’s Metropolitan area is estimated to have a population of 1.55 million. For example, Cortland, Nebraska’s smallest city in terms of population, only has 466 residents. Despite its size, it does have a high population density and is projected to continue its growth. This tiny state only has five counties: Providence, Kent, Washington, Newport, and Bristol County. West Virginia is located in the central sector of the United States, with an estimated 1,791,951 residents. In 2010, the last nationwide census revealed that, for the first time in the state of Virginia’s history, it had exceeded 8 million in population, Virginia’s 2019 estimated population of 8.57 million, is a 380,000 increase over that number. In 2019, Washington, D.C. had the highest population density in the United States, with 11,570 people per square mile. Texas is 2nd in terms of populous to California, and in terms of surface area, it is 2nd to Alaska. States that have a lot of tech jobs that employ young people, such as Washington State and California, are experiencing higher-than-average population growth. The resident population is all who live in the state at the time of the Census count, including both citizen and noncitizen residents, and both adults and children. The estimated population in 2019 was 1.06 million, making it larger than seven other states in the country. The tiny state’s population hasn’t stopped growing, either: population projections show an estimate of 6.3 million by 2020. The census of 2010 showed a community of 5,686,986, and the population for 2019 is 5.83 million. Situated in the far northwestern corner of the United States is Washington State, a population of 7,666,343 and 7,299 square miles in terms of surface area, making Washington the 18th largest state in the US. Situated along the Eastern seaboard, Connecticut is one of the six states that comprise the American “New England.” This state is a rare case that has experienced consistent decreases in population since the 2010 census. The state’s average population density is estimated to be around 25 people per square mile, which is far below the nation’s average of 87. Since 2010, the population of Texas has increased by over 15%! With a population density of only 22 people per square mile for all 82,747 square miles of it, Idaho is only home to approximately 1.79 million US residents. The United States is the third-most populous country in the world, with more than 330 million people (in 2020).About 78% of the US population speaks English, 13% Spanish, and 1% Chinese. The latest census estimates the population of Arizona to be around 7,275,070 people in 2019, indicating a growth rate of about 1.44% from the 2018 population of 7,171,646 people. The size of the state places it as the 16th largest in terms of land area, though the population is relatively sparse in comparison. Jacksonville alone has a population of over 900,000 people, which is more than the populations of Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Alaska, Vermont, and the District of Columbia. The large urban areas have a population density that can reach over 5,000 people per square mile! The state of California has an economy larger than that of any other state and is the second-largest sub-national economy in the world after Sao Paulo in Brazil. Missouri’s current population estimate ranks it as the 18th most populated state in the country, though the population is unevenly spread. This state is very sparsely filled; there are only eight states less densely populated than Nevada: Alaska, Wyoming, Montana, North and South Dakota, New Mexico, Idaho, and Nebraska. Puerto Rico is not a state, but it is also experiencing negative population growth. The least populated city in Idaho, Warm River, has a staggering population of three. As of December 22, 2020, the state with the highest rate of COVID-19 cases was North Dakota, followed by South Dakota and Iowa. However, the county with the most significant decline was Martin County with a decrease of 12.31%, though its population is only 11,323 and not likely to profoundly impact the overall state population. The largest counties are Fairfax with 1,148,433 people and Prince William at just over 463,023. Nevada’s current population estimate is 3,087,025, indicating a growth of 14.23% from 2010’s census numbers. It makes sense that all of the top 10 highest populated states have one border that meets a body of water, including lakes and oceans. Cost of … Texas. It has sparse rainfall, wide valleys and plans, flat, treeless basins, and rugged, high terrains. The … Kalawao County has a landmass of a mere 13.21 square miles and is considered the smallest administrative unit in the United States that can be considered a county. This is a list of the 50 U.S. states, territories, and U.S. Census Bureau divisions and regions ordered by population density.This data is from the 2013 estimate of population by the United States Census … The 2016 estimated population of 6, 600, 2996, suggest that Tennessee’s population is still growing; the current growth rate is 0.86%. The latest census estimates point to a decrease in the overall population size from the 2010 census, as well as the population size from 2018 to 2019. This number shows a slight growth rate of about 1.8% from the 2010 estimated population of 2.85 million, making it the 36th most populated state. Populations of each state in the United States of America. Though in terms of landmass, Utah is the 13th largest state, the many uninhabited areas could contribute to its rank of 34th post populous. The largest city in Puerto Rico is the island’s capital, San Juan. For example, Columbus is growing at a rapid rate of nearly 10% every decade, while Cleveland is losing people at a rate of 23 people every day for almost five decades. This figure indicates over 15% growth since the 2010 census estimate of 18,845,785 people. Seattle’s Tacoma-Bellevue metropolitan area has a population of 3.73 million, making up more than half of Washington’s population. It sure is a melting pot, and also has some of the most famous cities in the world, including San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and San Francisco. Its population density is above average at around 185 people per square mile, with the average being around 87. The entire county, for comparison, has the same population as the whole state of Rhode Island. Spokane is the second most populous, falling far behind Seattle with a population of just 213,272. Puerto Rico is one of the most densely populated areas in the country, with an average of 900 people per square mile. Population density is defined as the population per (divided by) land area. It is the eighth-most populated state in the US with a current estimate of 10.63 million residents, surpassing Michigan’s rank as number eight and representing approximately 3.2% of the American populace. South Carolina’s population was estimated to be approximately 5.15 million in 2019, up from 5.08 million in 2018, ranking it 18th in terms of growth in the nation and the 24th most populated state in the country. The 2010 population of Texas was 25.1 million; however, due to the current growth rate of 1.80%, (ranking 3rd in the country), the 2019 estimated population of Texas is 29,087,070. This ‘rural flight’ is becoming common in many Great Plains states, though some areas of South Dakota have been experiencing increases in population. Missouri has experienced a 2.53% growth rate in population since the 2010 census estimate and is projected to reach 6.8 million in 2030. Regardless of the decline in growth, New York still has a shocking average of 414 people per square mile, far above the national population density of 87! Chicago’s population is approximately 2.72 million people, which is close to the size of the entire state of Kansas. This figure does make it the least densely populated state in New England, however. There are a few large urban areas in the state, and they seem to be growing quickly, while the rural areas are slowly becoming less populated. States Quiz - How Many States do You Know? Salem, the state’s capital, is also the next largest city, with a population of 177,019 residents. Though its economic development has led to population growth and reduced unemployment, its population is estimated only to be 760,900 people. Utah’s estimated population for 2019 is 3.22 million, a significant increase from the 2.76 million residents that were counted in 2010. This number shows small growth of 1.3% from the 2018 population of 702,455. Located in the southeastern corner of the North American continent, Georgia is the 21st largest state in total size (by land area). Located at the heart of the Rocky Mountains, the Centennial State has seen considerable growth since the 2010 census numbers. Because the state’s economy is mainly agriculture-based, Iowa’s farmlands are in high demand. New Mexico’s average population density is only 17 people per square mile, far below the national average of 87 people per square mile. Scott County showed the most substantial growth rate of 18.51% with a population size of 56,000. Though West Virginia is estimated to have a population of 1.79 million in 2019, it shows a decline from the 2010 census recorded 1.853 million. Puerto Rico, Spanish for “rich port” and officially the “Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,” is an unincorporated territory of the United States located in the northeast Caribbean Sea, approximately 1000 miles southeast of Miami, Florida. Since the 2010 census, California has experienced a 6.5% growth rate. Idaho is one of the largest states in the US, though its population does not match its landmass. The Illinois population is estimated to be about 12,700,381 people as of 2019, indicating a negative growth rate of 0.32% from 2018’s estimate of 12,741,080. Located in the southeastern region of the United States, Mississippi is the 35th most populated state with 2,987,895 people. As the tenth-largest state in square miles, Wyoming has the smallest population at just 567,025. In, 2019, Washington had a population increase from 2018’s population of 7,535,591. This page features all the files containing Vintage 2019 state population totals and components of change. In these two cities, the population density exceeds 5,000 people per square mile, though the rest of the state remains mostly under 55 people per square mile. Indiana’s smallest city is Liberty, with a population of only 2,061 residents as of 2019. If Puerto Rico were a full state in the United States, it would be the 29th largest state, ranked between Oklahoma and Connecticut. In The Golden State has an extremely dense population for its size and is ranked the 13th highest population dense state, with 255 people per square mile. It covers 42,143 square miles, with an average of 153.9 people per square mile. Alaska is the fourth least-populated state, with a population of 710,231. Texas is also much larger. New Hampshire is one of the six New England states in the northeastern United States. The 35th largest state in the union is Virginia. Connecticut’s decrease in growth rate has been gradual, though the population has shrunk from 3,579,125 in 2010 to 3,567,871 in 2019. Idaho’s sparse population can be attributed to the Rocky Mountains and expansive lakes, as well as Hell’s Canyon, which is deeper than the Grand Canyon at 7,900 feet. The weather here is also legendary, with plenty of high temperatures and sunshine year-round. The 2010 census concluded that the state of Alabama had a population of 4,785,448, which increased in the 2018 assessment by 2.36% to 4,887,871 people. Half of the current population lives in the Anchorage metropolitan area. As people moved out west, the population grew to 10 million by the 1950s. What are the least populated states in the United States? The only states smaller than New Jersey are Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island, and Hawaii in terms of landmass. The demographics of the state reflect 64.1% as non-Hispanic white and 14.8% as Native American. North Dakota’s only city with a population larger than 100,000 is Fargo, where over 15% of the entire state’s population resides. Los Angeles is California’s most heavily populated city and the United States’ second most populated city after New York City. The counties in Kentucky show an interesting mix of growth and decline, though the state shows an overall growth rate in terms of population. Las Vegas is the 28th most populated city in the United States and is famous for its hotels, casinos, shopping centers, and fine dining. Known as the Empire State, New York is among the most populated states in the country, with a population of 19,491,339. Still, another way to view electoral representation is to see how the distribution of electoral votes compares to the distribution of eligible voters among states. Alaska is by far the least densely populated of the US states and has 1.3 persons per square mile. Other states with negative population growths include Louisiana, Connecticut, Kansas, West Virginia, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Alaska. Despite this, Illinois is still the sixth-largest state by population in the United States with 12.8 million people. Their numbers of inhabitants do not directly correspond to their sizes. There are eight major islands in Hawaii: Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Niihau, and Kahoolawe. Montana, one of the “Big Sky Country” states, is one of the county’s top ten least populated states, with an approximate population of 1,074,532. There are approximately 101.2 people for every square mile. Its surface area measures 24,230 square miles, with an average of 77.1 people per square mile. Jackson, the state capital, is the only city in Mississippi with a population above 100,000, and the most populated county in the state has been decreasing in size since 2010. Michigan’s population is somewhat dense, with an average of 177 people per square mile, making it the 20th most densely populated state. The Largest Population: California 39,937,489. This state saw immense growth throughout the 19th century, but despite its current decrease in population, Illinois remains the sixth most populated state in the U.S. The estimated population of New Hampshire is 1.36 million, with a 3.58% growth rate from the 2010 estimate. It has nearly 40 million residents, comprising a whopping 12% of the country’s population. California is a relatively young state even though it has the largest number of older residents: Only 14.3% of the state’s total population was age 65 or older in 2018. Additional tourist attractions include Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Disneyland, Monterey, and Newport Beach. That means it only makes up 0.22% of the entire US population! India is a union of 28 states and 8 union territories. New York City, the nation’s most populated city, is actually over 33 times larger than the second-largest city in New York, Buffalo. Interestingly, Ohio’s cities vary significantly in terms of growth and population. Though Memphis is the largest city, Nashville has a metropolitan area population of 1,757,912, compared to the Memphis metropolitan area’s population of 1,341,746. Kansas City, Missouri’s largest city, is the sixth-largest city in the Midwest and has an estimated population of about 501,094. The largest city is Charleston, which is also state capital, with 49,736 residents; following Charleston is Huntington with 48,638 people and Parkersburg at a count of 30,991. Wisconsin’s 2019 population is estimated to be 5,832,661 with a growth rate of 0.33%. West Virginia’s population ranks 38th in the country and it is 41st largest state in the US. It covers 76,872 square miles and is home to 1.94 million residents, indicating a growth rate of around 6.09% since the 2010 census. States that are more interior, such as those in the Great Plains and Midwest, tend to be less populous. The landlocked state of Nevada covers 109,826 square miles of land area, making it the seventh-largest state in the country. Surprisingly, despite the presence of the massive cities of New York City and Chicago, both New York and Illinois are experiencing negative population growths. Rhode Island is the smallest state by land mass, but it has a higher population than many larger states, including Alaska (the largest state by land mass), Montana, and Wyoming. For every one of its 9,614 square miles, the average people covering each square mile is 67.9, which makes Vermont the 30th most densely populated state in the country. For every square mile of the Unions lowest populated state, there is an average of only 5.85 people. Home to cities including Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Tempe, Glendale, and many more, Maricopa County was the fourth most populated county in the US and attracted more net migration than any other county in the US. New Jersey is bordered to the south by the Atlantic Ocean and is situated on the northeastern edge of the United States. Population density: According to U.S. Census Bureau data, Florida’s population density is a whopping 400.52 people per square mile, making it the eighth most densely populated state. Despite the large land surface area, the state has an estimated 2019 population of 4.25 million. A significant amount of the Oregonian population is located in the Willamette Valley. Out of a population of 20 million, about half of its residents live in New York City. The largest city in Montana is Billings, home to 110,668 residents. This current trend is even threatening to cause housing shortages and increased traffic! With Vermont’s population being small, there is no surprise in the absence of major urban areas. Milwaukee and Dane counties have 952,085 and 536,416 people, respectively, which make them Wisconsin’s largest counties. The only area in the US less populated than Alaska is the District of Columbia, with the difference being less than 25,000 people! Based on the 2010 census, Arkansas has grown 3.57% in population from 2.9 million people to 3,013,825 in 2018 and 3,026,412 people in 2019. The main factor contributing to this is that Hawaii has the highest cost of living in the United States. West Virginia’s population grows slow. The population density is below average at 58 people per square mile, making Arkansas the 34th most populated state in the country. The state covers just 1,545 square miles, which means the population density is an impressive 1,022 people per square mile. Situated on the Gulf of Mexico, in the Mississippi River Delta, Louisiana is home to approximately 4,652,581 people as of 2019, spread across 64 parishes. Despite being the 34th largest state, Ohio is the 7th most populated and 10th most densely populated in the country, with an estimated population of 11.72 million people as of 2019. The smallest state by population is Wyoming, with fewer than 600,000 residents and a negative growth rate of almost 1% per year. 39% of California state residents are Latino, Less than 1% are Pacific Islander or American Indian. The remaining four counties have shown declines in population of 1.31%, 0.73%, 0.76%, and 2.34% respectively. As required by the United States Constitution, a census has been conducted every 10 years since 1790. The table below contains the following information: With this estimate, Alabama comprises approximately 1.47% of the entire US population. According to the Public Policy institute of California, one of every eight United States residents lives in California. This is a list of U.S. states and territories by historical population, as enumerated every decade by the United States Census. Tallahassee, the state capital, has a population of almost 200,000 people. During the gold rush of the 1890’s, thousands of immigrants went to Alaska hoping to strike wealth which significantly increased the number of people living there. King and Pierce, with communities of 2,188,649 and 876,764 people, respectively, are the most populated counties in the state. It is also the seventh smallest state by landmass and the tenth least populated state. Moreover, with the 2019 estimated population of only 1.79 million, they estimate the same. World Population Review’s statistics show that Cali is way ahead of Texas, with close to 10 million more people. Its current population ranks it as the 47th most populated state in the country, behind Delaware. This figure reveals that Wisconsin had a growth rate of 1.5% in the last census in the US in 2010 and the 2019 census. The largest city in Nevada is Las Vegas, with a population of 664,304 people. Population: 28,449,186. At least one of the state’s 13 largest municipalities was home to nearly 51% of its residents in 2005. Like most states on the East coast, South Carolina is densely populated in comparison to its size. Its mountain ranges, deserts, and abundant forests make for difficult residential terrain. To give you more detail, the area of Alaska is 663,267 square miles, and the next largest state is Texas, at 268,581 square miles. The 36th largest state in the country is Tennessee, which sits in the southeastern part of the US. The last official census results from 2010 indicated that Puerto Rico’s population was approximately 3.73 million residents. Although the decennial census collects a variety of information that has been used in demographic studies, marketing, and other enterprises, the purpose of the census as stated in the Constitution is to produce an "actual enumeration" of the number of persons in the states in order to cal… Rhode Island follows New Jersey in terms of population density. Montana, though it has a vastly larger land mass than Rhode Island, has 10,000 fewer residents. North Dakota does not designate its areas by population or government structure; it deems all areas as cities. There is an average of 105 people for every square mile of Wisconsin’s extensive surface area. When the United States was founded on July 4, 1776, there were: Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts (included Maine at the time) New Jersey, New York, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia. But the states with the most adults age 65 or older do not necessarily have the oldest population age profiles. Here is a list of the top ten least populated states in the country: As of summer 2019, the population of the United States is approximately 330 million. With 1.3 million people, Salt Lake City is the largest metropolitan area. The most populated county is Montgomery Country, with over a million people residing and a growth rate of 7.81% since 2010. Maryland may be one of the smallest states in the country, but it is certainly no small matter. 89% of Nebraska’s cities have less than 3,000 people, which is similar to five other Midwestern states, but many of Nebraska’s towns have fewer than 1,000 residents. The state is divided into 23 counties, 16 of which border tidal water. The largest city by population is Seattle, which has an estimated population of 684,451 people. 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