Use the search box contained within BT 98 to search by date and name of ship’s port of registry. From 1845 onwards the following lists were being used: In addition, the following types of list were introduced: Agreements for ‘Foreign Going’ or ‘Foreign Trade’ ships (Schedule A) Newspaper Articles. A. Billmeir / Stanhope Steamship Co. Black Ball Line / Baines & MacKay , … Crew - Cooks & Stewards. One copy was also carried on the voyage as part of the ship's papers, along with the original certificate of … From 1857 onwards, the records are arranged in BT 98 by ships’ Official Number (ON). Stories and Memories. They begin to appear amongst the records from 1852 onwards; many have been destroyed; usually only those recording a birth or death have survived. The highest official number entered to date is 76999. The ‘agreement’ was effectively an employment contract between the ship’s master and each member of his crew, signed by both parties before the ship sailed. TheGenealogist has launched a new resource for those with sea going ancestors. Alternatively, browse BT 98/140-563 to view all the ports covered for this period and the alphabetical ranges of ships for each port. 09:00 to 17:00. Crew List Index Search. Before 1747 no systematic records of the crew of merchant ships were kept. There are usually several boxes of records for each port of registry, each box containing an alphabetical range of ships’ names. BT 387 is arranged by ranges of ships’ names therefore you will need to browse the series. 1960s : June 1964: June 1966: Dec,1967: April 1967: Feb. 1968 : July 1967: April 1968: Dec. 1969: Oct. 1969: Aug. 1969 : 1970s: Ships Agents and voyage details. The arrival of an ancestor in Australia is a key moment in a family's history. A list of the crew, with their Register Ticket numbers, to be filed for a foreign-going ship on sailing. They were filed at the Register Office of Merchant Seamen, the forerunner of the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen (RGSS). What are crew lists and agreements and what do they tell us? Many local archives hold the records relating to their local ports. Memorial. Bergen Line (feeder ships) Bermuda & West Indies S.S. Company / Quebec SS Co. / Trinidad Shipping & Trading Co. Bethell, Gwyn & Trinder, Anderson & Co. London / Australind Steam Shipping Company; Bibby Line; J. v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Crew lists and agreements and log books of merchant ships 1747-1860, Friends of The National The main record series for muster books is BT 98. These essentially distinguished between ships sailing in waters around Britain (home) and those sailing further afield (foreign). Start your search wide, using the name of the crew member and … See section 7 for guidance on finding information in local archives. What proportion of the records have survived? The Crew EnlargePDF LinkCrew list for the Ship Mount Vernon, June 4, 1803.See transcriptionThe Crew List The crew list was the official document listing all the members of a ship's crew for a voyage. Model Weatherships. Search by ship’s official number in: There is also an index to Second World War log books, agreements and crew lists in BT 385. Within each box the lists are randomly arranged. Use the search box contained within BT 98 to search by date and name of ship’s port of registry. To find a ship’s official number go to the Crew List Index Project (CLIP) website, which has information about merchant ships from 1861 to 1913, or the the Miramar Ship Index website (subscription required), a database listing some categories of merchant and naval ships. Any search results will be divided into alphabetical ranges according to the initial letter of the ship’s name. Most types of crew lists and agreements give brief details about the ship, its master and voyages at the date of being filed together with the following information for each crew member: After 1861 only a sample of crew lists and agreements and log books are held at The National Archives. 09:00 to 17:00. Search by ship’s name in: Following the 1854 Merchant Shipping Act, both the master and seaman had to sign a Certificate of Discharge and Character (E-1) on termination of a voyage. You can, however, search for crew lists and agreements by the names of the seamen recorded on them for the following years: Search for crew lists and agreements from 1861 to 1938 at: The National Archives holds all the surviving crew lists and agreements for the Second World War and the succeeding years up to 1950. Completed by the masters of ships engaged in the coastal or fishing trade, giving the voyages and crew for the preceding half year, and was to be filed within 21 days of the end of June or December. Use the search box contained within BT 98 to search by ships’ Official Number and date. The shipping lists from 1854-1922 include the names of the crew members, their position on board and their nationality. Please note: In some cases, crew members (particularly captains) are recorded on early ships' passenger lists. We can either copy our records onto paper or deliver them to you digitally, Visit us in Kew to see original documents or view online records for free, Consider paying for Crew list for Steamer Emperor, which sank 04 June 1947, from Michigan Passenger and Crew Lists, 1903-1965, manifest dated 11 May 1947. There were different types of crew … Search for ships registered at: In 1835, following the Merchant Shipping Act, muster books were replaced by similar records known as crew lists and agreements (note: these are not two separate documents but one and the same thing; you may see them referred to simply as ‘crew lists’, or sometimes simply as ‘agreements’). A Schedule D form was headed ‘Accounts Of Voyages And Crew For Home Trade Ship’. Use the search box contained within BT 98 to search by year and name of ship’s port of registry. Search Tips. Search by ship’s name or number in BT 165 for selected logs covering the periods 1857-1889, 1922-1938 and 1913-1972. Memorabilia Timeline. Agreements and crew lists from the 19th century are occasionally accompanied by ships’ logs and this becomes increasingly common for 20th century records. These are not two separate documents but one and the same thing; you may see them referred to simply as ‘crew lists’, or sometimes simply as ‘agreements’. They include registers of engagement, articles of agreement, registers of discharge, registers of deserters, and employment history records. Search in BT 387 for agreements and crew lists of allied foreign ships requisitioned or chartered by the British government in the Second World War. Ships by name. Logs were deposited after each foreign voyage, or half-yearly for home trade ships. A ship's crew can generally be divided into four main categories: the deck department, the engineering department, the steward's department, and other. Fleet Personnel Lists 1970 - 1998 The below are Fleet Personnel Lists from the Blue Star & Gangway company magazines, scanned by Peter Stacey and were part of the CD-ROM presented to all those attending the 2005 New Zealand reunion in Wellington. The Official Number was allocated on registration, retained for the life of the ship, and was not reused. Role. The records contain details of UK merchant seamen who served on the ships. Discovery is a catalogue of archival records across the UK and beyond, from which you can search 32 million records. Muster rolls for this period did not usually record the names of the whole crew but did provide: However, some lists, appearing randomly during this period, also show: There would have been calculation tables but none of these are thought to survive. These records can provide brief details of ships, the voyages they took and their crew. Asiatic agreements are not usually included among the records held by The National Archives. Sometimes, however, other details may be found. Ships engaged in the ‘Foreign trade’ tended to make fewer, longer voyages so there may only be one crew list in the 1915 series. research. For example, for a ship with the number 25820, search using 258* (include the asterisk) as your keyword. There are two main types of crew list for this period: Crew lists for ships on ‘foreign voyages’ (Schedule C) Pennsylvania, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists, 1800-1962. This will find BT 98/6795 which covers ships’ numbers 25801-25834 for the year 1860. It is important to stress that the service records of the Royal Navy and most Admiralty records are deposited with: The National Archives Ruskin AvenueKewRichmondSurrey TW9 4DUTel:+44 (0)20 8876 3444 What you will find there: 1. Details include names of crew members, dates of departure and arrival and names of ports. Most types of crew lists and agreements give brief details about the ship, its master and voyages at the date of being filed together with the following information for each crew member: Crew lists and agreements were either for ‘foreign voyages’ or ‘foreign trade’ or for ‘home voyages’ or ‘home trade’. This page is an index of ships by name. Memorabilia Timeline. Ship external views. CLIP has information about ships from the 1850s and the Miramar index lists ships from the early 19th century. 1881 Crew Lists Database. The muster roll or crew list should note where he was before … A colour code arrangement is used within these sheets and can be defined as follows: NAME CONFIRMED. Crew Lists The Act of 28 February 1803 contained the first legal mention and requirements for keeping a Crew List as part of the ship’s papers. You may find a ship’s Official Number from the following published sources available at The National Archives: You can also search online for a ship’s official number using the Crew List index project (CLIP) website or the Miramar ship index (£). Registry of Shipping and Seamen: Agreements and Crew Lists, Series II Description: This series consists of a ten per cent sample of agreements and crew lists (with log-books where they survive) for the years 1861-1938, 1951-1994. For exact searches, it shows matching names and their official number, sorted first by name, then by official number. To find a crew list and agreement for a ship you will usually need to know the ship’s official number. Audio/Video. This is a guide to some of the earliest records of individual merchant seamen, including officers. Crew lists can contain details such as age, nationality, name of the vessel, shipping line, crew position, length of service, whether they were to be discharged at the port of arrival, literacy, race, height, and weight. v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Crew lists and agreements and log books of merchant ships after 1861. The records range from 1852 – 1922 and cover a variety of locations and crew activities, including discharge, desertion, payment and release. Sometimes a log book, with details of the ship’s voyages (see section 6), was filed along with the agreements and crew lists. v3.0, the amount of money invested in the fund by each crew member (this was calculated on a pro rata basis at 6d per month), ‘how disposed of’ (the nature of the seaman’s departure from the ship, whether discharged, drowned or otherwise). A few muster rolls survive in other record series. A search on our catalogue of all the available crew lists is only practical for small ports. The Mercantile Marine Act of 1850 required masters to keep a ship’s Official Log to record events on board including: Often the description of a man’s conduct, listed under the two headings ‘General Conduct’ and ‘Ability in Seamanship’, consisted of nothing more than the letters VG (Very Good). Surviving crew lists are listed in the Shipping Guide, p.67, 69-71, 72-86 Pre-1922 In general there are few records relating to crew until 1854. Sometimes a log book, with details of the ship’s voyages (see section 6), was filed along with the agree… This collection of crew lists held by the Liverpool Record … Official logs are found with the agreements and crew lists, where they survive. These records are especially useful for research prior to the first Register of Seamen in 1835, when they are the only likely sources of information for most merchant seamen. Commonly called ‘Articles’, these agreements were between master and crew, and had to be filed within 24 hours of the ship’s return to a UK port. Research into crew records can often be difficult as there is no comprehensive index to the nineteenth century crew lists. Alternatively, browse BT 98/564-4758 to view all the ports covered for this period and the alphabetical ranges of ships for each port. Before a vessel could depart on a foreign voyage, the master had to deliver a list of the crew, verified by his oath, to the customs collector at that port. LOGS, AGREEMENTS AND CREW LISTS OF BRITISH REGISTERED SHIPS. Your FREE genealogy starting point with more than 337,000 genealogy links, categorized & cross-referenced, in more than 200 categories. Typically, if you can locate a seaman in a crew list you will find out his: Between 1858 and the First World War, when the Merchant Navy did not keep registers of its seamen, agreements and crew lists are the only records you are likely to find of an individual merchant seaman. They can contain include details such as age, nationality, name of the vessel, shipping line, crew position, length of service, whether they were to be discharged at the port of arrival, literacy, race, height, and weight. Some of the publications below may be available to buy from The National Archives’ bookshop. To locate crew lists for these years you will need to know the name of the ship on which an individual seaman sailed. Alternatively, browse BT 98/1-139 (1747 to 1853) to view all the ports and years for which there are records in this period. Discovery is a catalogue of archival records across the UK and beyond, from which you can search 32 million records. There are usually several boxes of records for each port of registry, each box containing an alphabetical range of ships’ names. The ships are listed alphabetically by name in the paper catalogue. TheShipsList website, online since August 1999, will help you find your ancestors on ships' passenger lists.We also have immigration reports, newspaper records, shipwreck information, ship pictures, ship descriptions, shipping-line fleet lists and more; as well as hundreds of passenger lists to Canada, USA, Australia and even some for South Africa. They were filed a… Crew lists, originally termed muster-rolls or muster-books, began in the 18th century and were initially kept in order to collect a levy from seamen's wages for a relief fund, and as a record of the names, ratings, dates of entry and final discharge for all men serving on board a ship. This is not given in the registers of seamen’s service until 1854. Archives, Open Government Licence Agreements for ‘Home Trade Ships’ (Schedule B) One copy was filed along with the manifest with the Collector of Customs. A list of the crew accompanied these agreements. One sample is held by The National Archives and the other by the National Maritime Museum. Search the indexes listed in the assisted and unassisted migrants tabs to see if the name of the crew member is included. Ship Internal Views. Archives, Open Government Licence The forms had to be filed within 30 days of the end of June or December. Crew - Ships Crew. These had to be signed before the relevant port official or the Shipping Master in a colonial port. In general you need to know the name of a seaman's ship in order to look him up. A scattering of log books are amongst the medical and surgeons’ journals of convict ships. Crew lists may include both local and foreign crew members. (Crew Lists of The British Merchant Navy, 1915. Christopher T and Michael J Watts, My Ancestor Was a Merchant Seaman (Society of Genealogists, second edition with addendum, 2004), Simon Wills, Tracing Your Merchant Navy Ancestors (Pen & Sword, 2012), For quick pointersTuesday to Saturday Again, these agreements were between master and crew and covered coastal and fishing ships. Few centralised records of naval ratings (i.e. Ship external views. v3.0, date and place of joining and leaving the ship, reason for departure from the ship, whether discharged, drowned or otherwise, ‘how disposed of’ (the nature of the seaman’s departure from the ship, whether discharged, drowned or otherwise), The National Maritime Museum – read the museum’s, The National Archives – search our 10% sample by ship’s number in. For quick pointersTuesday to Saturday Crew - Coms/Radar. For advice on finding the same kinds of records prior to 1861 see our guide to crew lists and agreements 1747-1860. These records are sometimes combined with passenger lists. Try search terms such as “ship register” or “registrar general shipping and seamen”. Names and Register Tickets of Crew (Foreign Trade) (Schedule G) How to search for crew lists and agreements, 7. A list of the crew accompanied these agreements. Search for crew lists and agreements from 1951 to 1994 at: Search by name of ship in BT 100 for the agreements and crew lists of a selection of celebrated ships. TO BE CONFIRMED. those who were not commissioned officers or warrant officers) were kept before 1853. It’s important to note that crew lists … To identify records held in local archives, search our catalogue and refine your results using the filters. New Orleans, Passenger Lists, 1813-1963. Crew - Unknown Rank/Name. Crew lists and agreements were introduced in 1835. Miscellaneous Photos. Ships Cats & Dogs. Audio/Video. CLIP is a not-for-profit volunteer project, set up to assist research into the records of British merchant seafarers of the late 19th and early 20th century. The Crew Lists for the whole period 1835-1844 are filed by ship's Port of Registry; for each port the lists are grouped into boxes by the initial letter of ships' names, but within each box the lists … Click on BT 98 to search by date and name of British port where the ship was registered. It covers crew lists and agreements, originally known as muster books, and log books up until 1860. In 1835, following the Merchant Shipping Act, muster books were replaced by similar records known as crew lists and agreements (note: these are not two separate documents but one and the same thing; you may see them referred to simply as ‘crew lists’, or sometimes simply as ‘agreements’). For the First World War (1914-1918) all surviving logs containing casualties are preserved. These documents were given to the seaman and you might find them if they were kept by the individual or their family. For fuzzy searches, it shows an alphabetic list of matching ship names, from which you can select an … Home Holdings and Collections Shipping Records Crew lists and logbooks Crew List Index Search. The Maritime History Archive holds approximately 75 percent of the surviving crew lists (also called crew agreements) and official log books of British registered vessels for the periods 1857-1942 (predominantly 1863-1938) and 1951-1976. Crew - Unknown Rank/Name. Crew lists and agreements were introduced in 1835. research. Vessel crew lists for the Great Lakes are available for the 1920s to 1970s for selected ports, and are part of Record Group (RG) 85, Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Stories and Memories. This database contains the names of more than 376,500 seamen taken from the first 300 of the 358 boxes of crew agreements from the voyages of British registered vessels that ended in 1881. 4. You will find it easier to understand the records if you are familiar with the different filing rules described above. Free passengers and crew on convict ships into Sydney, 1830-1840 [catalogue record] Discover if your ancestor was part of the crew on board the convict ships by checking the ‘status’ column. Crew - Ships Crew. 3. Welcome to CLIP - the Crew List Index Project. This database is an index to the passenger lists of ships arriving from foreign ports at the port of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from 1800-1962. They contain names of those confirmed at the battle and also those who might have been at the battle. The following resources are available in Library's Newspapers & Family History Reading Rooms. Logs were usually preserved from 1902-1912 where births, marriages or deaths took place on board ship. Half-yearly crew lists for ships on ‘home voyages’ (Schedule D) Debbie Beavis The Merchant Shipping Act of 1835 required crew lists and related documents to be filed with the Register Office of Merchant Seamen (now the RGSS). (Reports online say the wreck is haunted.) Many do not survive at all whilst significant proportions of those that do survive are held at other archives, most notably: The National Archives holds the following proportions of surviving crew lists and agreements after 1861: Local archives took some of the records for the period 1863-1913 (see section 7). CLIP has information about ships from the 1850s and the Miramar index lists ships from the early 19th century.. These agreements and crew lists usually include such information as the destination of the ship and the names of individual crew members with age, rank, place of birth, former ship and wage. PROV holds several long unindexed record series of merchant ships' crews, and one smaller sequence which has been digitised and indexed. It gives details of over 439,000 Royal Navy and Merchant Seamen records which are searchable by name, rank, age and ship. Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events.Sign up, All content is available under the Open Government Licence Crew lists exist only for those vessels whose last port of departure was a foreign … To administer this fund, masters or owners of merchant ships had to keep a muster book, also known as a muster roll, which was filed at the port of arrival with the Seamen’s Fund Receivers. In general, there are few records relating to crew until 1854. Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events.Sign up, All content is available under the Open Government Licence Memorial. 2. Digitised Crew Lists made available to search for free featuring over 750,000 names from all the surviving Merchant Navy crew lists from 1915. Very few seem to have been preserved in official archives in the UK, although occasionally a Release (List M) for the whole crew may be found with the crew lists in BT 98. Crew - Cooks & Stewards. For pre-1747 records, you need to look speculatively through material from other government departments or courts that may have had an interest in Merchant Navy affairs, such as: Use the advanced search in Discovery, our catalogue, to search for records using relevant keywords, though you are unlikely to find records searching with the names of ships or seamen, as the records have not been indexed in that way. These are not two separate documents but one and the same thing; you may see them referred to simply as ‘crew lists’, or sometimes simply as ‘agreements’. Crew - Met Staff. Check the opening hours and contact details for local archives using Find an archive. Use this guide for advice on how to find British merchant shipping records known as crew lists and agreements, dating from 1861 to the 1990s. Crew - Coms/Radar. Crew - Met Staff. The National Records of Scotland holds agreements and crew lists under the reference BT 3, covering 1867-1913, for Scottish ships only. After 1972 only two 10% samples of crew lists and agreements have been preserved. Other information may include age, nationality, home address, details of previous employment, wages and details of any deaths on board. The ' Jutland Crew Lists Sheets ' are the tracking sheets for the project. To find the right range for your ship you will need to search using the first two or three digits of the number. Further details of available sources are described in: In 1747, following an Act of Parliament, a fund for the relief of disabled seamen was set up, using money taken from seamen’s wages. The ‘agreement’ was effectively an employment contract between the ship’s master and each member of his crew, signed by both parties before the ship sailed. Ships Cats & Dogs. These records are sometimes combined with passenger lists. They may have arrived as a fare-paying passenger, as an 'assisted' migrant, a member of a ship's crew… Each piece in this series covers a number of ships and therefore appears in our catalogue as a range of numbers. Role. The rest, up to 1989, have been destroyed. Alternatively, search The National Archives’ library catalogue to see what is available to consult at Kew. The full crew list can be displayed for any of the ships. Agreements and crew lists held in other archives, guide to crew lists and agreements 1747-1860, Friends of The National Newspaper Articles. Ship Internal Views. Model Weatherships. We can either copy our records onto paper or deliver them to you digitally, Visit us in Kew to see original documents or view online records for free, Consider paying for A form known as a Schedule C was completed by the master of every ‘Foreign Going Ship’, filed within 48 hours of the ship’s return to a UK port. You should not expect to find any detailed accounts of day-to-day life or the activities of crew or passengers. The National Archives of Australia has a large number of record series concerning ships’ crews and the merchant navy. There are a small number of log books in BT 98. All these record series are indexed on the RecordSearch database. You can search an individual’s name or the name of the ship) (Liverpool, England, Crew Lists 1861-1919. It is therefore possible, for example, to find records of deaths of soldiers and prisoners of war returning on ships from the Boer War. Miscellaneous Photos. Each list contains crew details of one voyage for a particular ship. 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